Marks will also be allocated for management potential

Developing future leaders: criteria and selection overview:

Emerging leadership skills include recognising and managing changing realities, being courageous and bold, and having strong ethics, honesty and integrity. USB Executive Development (USB-ED) has developed five criteria against which to assess future leaders. These criteria have been isolated as a result of extensive research in the areas of disruptive forces, predicting the future world of work and emerging leadership skills. It is according to these measures that the Rising Star criteria and selection process is structured:

Vision and Ability to Innovate

Passion and Impact

Responsible Engagement

Agility in Uncertainty, Encompassing Digital Transformation

Systems Thinking and Sense-making






Envisages a better future

Inspires and motivates others through passionate and optimistic commitment

Builds trust and credibility through integrity, transparency, humility and ethical responsibility

Perseveres when circumstances are tough and bounces back from failure

Augments skills and knowledge with spiritual, cultural, social and emotional intelligence

Imagines and creates new products, solutions or ways of working

Catalyses and enrols constructive involvement without formal authority or title

Deeply values, respects and considers the interests and confidentiality of all other people

Learns constantly and fosters team and organisational growth

Steps back from activity to make sense of complex and changing circumstances

Invites, encourages and embraces the ideas of others

Sets and achieves clear and strategic professional and team goals

Collaborates, engaging WITH others to solve problems and generate stakeholder value

Steers others through disagreement and conflict, fostering understanding and encouraging learning

Thinks systemically, understands the big picture and is aware of cause and effect

Solves significant problems through innovation and design

Leads in all directions, challenges others and enables their performance

Works within the constraints of standards and norms to effect positive change

Considers both risk and opportunity to enable clear and decisive action

Shares and integrates information to support decision-making and improvement

Challenges perspectives and constantly improves ways of working

Consciously manages personal  confidence, messaging and impact

Fosters psychological safety to empower involvement, growth and autonomy

Seeks perspective and involves others to navigate complexity, ambiguity and risk

Considers global context and anticipates future opportunities and threats

Takes initiative and is proactive and resourceful

Focuses, prioritises and organises to optimise outcomes and results

Crafts and leads external initiatives to promote positive impact, social prosperity and sustainability

Actively explores, embraces and applies emerging technologies

Understands the business system and improves process and information flow

Engages technology to augment and enhance performance

Contributes visibly and substantially to the execution of strategic objectives

Contributes generously and meaningfully to team efforts, supporting the success of others

Develops agile practices and adapts to change and uncertainty, stabilised by values and goals

Embraces experiences which change perspective and deepen insight

Is intrapreneurial and creates an experimental and innovative environment

Delivers on expectations and promises, despite pressure and obstacles

Shows empathy, supports wellbeing and facilitates problem-solving

Proactively defines, crafts or leads responses to digital transformation

Listens perceptively, thinking beyond the obvious and developing awareness and intuition

Develops strong networks to inform and support customer-focused  effectiveness